In Loving Memory of

Jeanne Augier

Live Streaming - 2nd July 2024 - 11.30 AM BST

Please join us early

If you wish to see the Order of Service and we have been asked to upload it, please click the link below

Order of Service download click here

Where possible the live stream can start circa 25 minutes before the service time.

If you are having challenges, refreshing the browser or closing then reopening the browser can help.

If you wish to view this full screen please press the full screen logo of the video bottom bar that looks like the 4 arrows pointing in different directions

This ‘website link’ will stay up for 12 months. A ‘password’ which the family will have ‘might’ be added. If a password has been added please contact the family direct.

If you wish to download the video after please contact the family direct as they will have the details.

If you are having problems watching the live stream please click the link below which will let you watch the video straight from the Vimeo server rather than using the webpage but webpage is best

Backup Link here

Thank you once again for trusting Funeral AV to live stream & record for you