Memorial Streaming services from Funeral AV. In times when gathering in person may be challenging, our memorial streaming services offer a compassionate solution to ensure that the life and legacy of your loved one are honoured and cherished by all, regardless of location. With seamless live streaming technology, we provide a dignified and accessible way for family and friends to come together, share memories, and pay tribute from the comfort of their own homes.

Our experienced Memorial streaming team understands the importance of preserving every moment with care and sensitivity. From setting up the memorial live streaming equipment to managing the technical aspects during the service, we handle it all, allowing you to focus on remembering and honouring your loved one.

Whether you're across the country or around the world, our memorial streaming services bring everyone together in a meaningful and heartfelt remembrance. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create a lasting tribute that transcends distance."

  • Memorial live streaming allows real-time broadcasting of a funeral or memorial service over the internet. This service enables family and friends who cannot attend in person to participate remotely, ensuring they can share in the remembrance and support one another. Live streaming provides a convenient and inclusive way to connect loved ones during a time of loss.

Memorial service live stream

Memorial service live stream

“Dear Darren,
I hope you're well. This is really just a short email to express my tremendous gratitude to you for the work you did in streaming my grandmother's memorial service from Chelsea last Tuesday. I'm part of the "family in China" that my mum Alison mentioned in her email to you, thanks to your efforts we were able to follow, and participate, from a distance, and still feel we were part of the service. The audio and video quality throughout the service were top notch, really clear! So again, a heartfelt thanks for your efforts, we really appreciate it.”

All the best,
Sisi & Thoma

What is Memorial Streaming?

When people search for Memorial streaming they often use search terms such as Memorial service live stream. Thank you for finding us.

Memorial Streaming & Live Streaming is still relatively new. It got accelerated just before and during the Covid days. Many people still call it Zooming a funeral, or webcasting a funeral or Zoom a Funeral or Memorial but Zoom is awful for Memorials Funerals it’s ok for corporate meetings and people used Zoom as desperation for funeral streaming. Sadly for many didn’t go very well. Thats so so sad.

We were already setup and well positioned for Funeral & Memorial streaming for when the phones went crazy on lockdown day 1 in UK. We have live streamed over 1,500 funerals & Memorials to date and so far all them 100% successful. Not many can say that and I know many in the industry.

Our experience and constant renewing of equipment means we are always the best and most reliable. Over the last 2 to 3 years we have reinvested back into the business over £80k to make sure no matter what, everything is going to go well and be the best quality and more importantly work.

We do have better kit than most, if not all. Our cameras are the Sony PXW 280 Broadcast cameras, we have the latest 5G modems, 8 of them …(so expensive but good) and we have 4G satellite and Starlink Saterlitte should the location have patchy 3G or 4G network. (way too often in and around Oxfordshire its bad) and we have 3 x LiveU Solos (backups) where many others can only afford one or somehow think one is enough for fail safe.

‘The fact that friends and family all round the world can now ‘click a link’ and watch their loved ones funerals or Memorials on mobile devices is totally astonishing, in fact now these days where ever there is a funeral or memorial the first things you here is “can you send me the link so I can watch” and the elderly are what you call “ all over it”

Sadly, there are occasions when distance, health and others circumstances stop family and friends from being able to attend, so Memorial or Funeral Streaming is a great way of bridging that gap, we have had many watch from hospitals and care homes, and of course we always record so you can share and download after.